Monday, January 18, 2016

Artist news!

Today we want to introduce you two great artist who are helping us try to make this little project somthing great!

First U53ful 1d1o7, who will start working with us, helping with the exclusive art, events and what's needed to star making better and more complete alpha releases. Here is a glimpsee of his great work:

And pToon-T another awsome artist, who's helping us with some concepts we'll probably add to the game (almost sure we got a way to implement some of thit work in the game, without redoing what we already got, at some part of the game :P), and with the mechanics of the game. Here is some of his beautiful concepts:


  1. the art look great guy can't wait for the complete alpha release.

    1. Glad you like it ^^
      The new art will still take some time to start apering in the game

  2. This looks like it would do great on kimochi

  3. This looks awesome guys, a nice adquisition this artists are indeed :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow just beyond my expectations.

  6. Hi, I have a problem with the game, I saved data and when I tried to enter again it stayed for 2 hours "0/100 dfgdff" and I can't enter, I checked that my adobe was right, restarted the computer, etc. Do you know how can I play again? I don't care if I have to begin again but at least I'd like to play xD.
    Thank you.
    PD: I put this in other post but I think that you could read this better if i send in a recent post.

  7. Please be careful with it because although the quality of the drawing is really high, the current Elana is cuter than this interpretation imho.

    1. Think the same, the old drawing style is kind of unique, hope this is going well, but I don't want to be too pessimistic...

    2. And to say something positive, you are creating a really unique adult game with a good concept and a lot of pretty details... :)

    3. Thanks. Don't worry the main art style will still be done by the same person
