Friday, June 7, 2024

Magic Dorm 2 part 1 available for patrons

Hi everyone!
Magic Dorm 2 part 1 is ready!

As you know it took us more than we wanted because some things took more than we expected and life got in the way but good news is part 2 (which will be the full version of Magic Dorm 2) is already on the making and this one should take way less to be completed :D

During next week we'll open a poll for the next game/version we should work on after Magic Dorm 2 and also, while some art and texts are being done for the part 2, Knot will probably work on another version of Frisky Island.

About Magic Dorm 2, The six sisters have reached the campus and Tom and Elana has rushed to stop them but, what they find when they got there, is way worse that what they expected....

Note 1: For influenced mage / noble tiers and above in patreon, here you'll find a code to unlock the gallery plus attached pdf files with the walkthrough: Link
Note 2: We have detected that there could be an instance of an event where if you focus solely in one character ignoring others, a character can ask you to give an object to another character but you have already given the object to the character. This should not affect the gameplay since then you can move forward but it can be weird to find. Since this will be part of the full final version we'll correct it as well as other small things that could show.

Hope you'll enjoy it!!

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Please consider becoming one of our patrons.
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