Friday, July 3, 2020

Almost there! (pre-release artwork)

This weekend we'll have all excess world together and we'll publish at the beginning of next week. There is chance that the final minigame could give us some trouble and, if it does, we'll not make you wait any longer and we'll release the version without it, for those who already want to check the new world without it. In a couple of days later we'll release with it.

In this world we added the servants factor which we think it will be nice for it but has ended being a ton of work for the whole team. Even so, this ton of work also means a ton of content, making this world have about twice of events and images than other worlds. This world also have the lose control handicap, which in this version will not be very important but in the final game will mean to lose game time (not gaming time), which will be important, making the player consider if it's worth to complete the whole world in one go or take the chance to do other things to "cool down" after a while.

What we can say for sure is... This kind of size of world it's been a one time thing and  future worlds will be more... Concise.

Thank you very much for all your support and for making it possible. We've put a lot of effort on it and hope you'll enjoy it.

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