Friday, October 11, 2019

Event of the week and weekly report

Weekly report:  This week it's been a little tough, including members of the team getting sick, and the dead and rebirth of a computer, but overall we are moving forward pretty well. 
Knot is still fighting with the format of the versions, but we want to have this subject totally closed because we don't want to have to deal with it every month. Right now, we are working on the optimum choice, which is a browser version with the database included in it (which is what is giving us some issues).

The other option is, using an online database which would be easier to do, but the player should have to be connected on internet all the time while playing and should the connection be lost, it could start to give some problems.

Doing different stand alone versions, in which we should have to fix problems related to the Windows and Mac versions, would leave us without the browser version which give us a lot visibility and helps us a lot to maintain the project.

We've been looking for the Android version compatibility as well. With this, we want to let you know that we have plan B and C, but probably plan A should not take much longer to be done.

Berserk has been doing a revision and some bug fixing of the current version, helping Knot with the previously mentioned version issues, and Root with translations, also, he's preparing a video with a summary of the story and cinematics from Chapter 1 and 2 to let the new Chapter 3 players dive into the game, straight away, knowing the story but skipping chapter 1 and 2.

It could seem that this video it's something irrelevant, but at this point, with all the flash problems and the gameplay duration of chapter 1 and 2, we think it's important to maintain the project running strong. The script is done and the set up has started.
Root has finished the basic backgrounds of the academy and wrote the transition of the first part of the game to the "regular" game, which includes the creation and tutorial of the academy, and the first path to the next world (A continuation of an event we mentioned with Jane explaining her story. Overall it's a transition with 5000 words, an animation and probably more than 20 images). Also he is starting to prepare the script and characters for the next world. 

 "It seems that the golem doesn't have much troubles finding people willing to attend her urge."

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