Friday, February 15, 2019

Beta 1.6 of chapter 2 for patons

Hopefully the last one before the final version! We think it will be released during mid/late March because of the time it will take to finish the images left. Even so we expect Knot will be able to begin to work on chapter 3 before that.
Until that final version, we'll do an explanation about how will work the academy of lust for chapter 3 and we'll open again the polls for tiers 5$+ to decide the characters and the events that will appear in the new worlds (we'll do a proper explanation of everything soon).

In this version of chapter 2 you'll find most of the images for the main areas (forest, farms, tavern, square, market, church, academy and houses) for the day and night events but sadly there are still some events without image. We add a list of the events without images so they can be avoided if there is no interest in find the event without the image.

Events without image in the main areas:
· A couple of guards events (night, urban outdoor areas)
· First event of the chain of events of Alaina and the spirit of envy (night, forest).
· Mouse guy 1 (day, academy).
· Mouse guy 2 (day, academy).
· Dance 1 (day, castle).
· Dance 2 (day, castle).
· Governess 1 (day, castle).
· Nobles dinner 1 (day, castle).
· Nobles dinner 2 (day, castle).

Also in this version, you should be able to load old saves BUT some of the content could already be played in the save so, it could not be watched and there are small chances of bugs because of it.

Hope you'll enjoy it!


· Added and fixed some sounds.
· Fixed pop-ups for the management of the followers of Elana.
· Fixed bug at the end of the intro.
· Fixed bug that made restart the chain of events of Kaeryn and now her chain can be finished (included the events from the polls that should had appeared in the previous version).
· Fixed a bug that made the game break when some attacks with effects like stun were used on Hulbert while he had his protection bubble.
· Text revised in the main areas during day and night except for the church (if you find any error or typo and you want to tell us we'll be happy to fix it).
· Changed menus interface. Now you access the menus through a button in the top right of the screen. Main changes:
  - Now in Elana's section you can change between day and night and not just night like
  - Inventory increased and divided between regular items and quest items. There is a little
    arrow in the sides of the screen to change between them but it's not the final version.
    We are still working in the looks and the functionalities of this part. Also in the
    quest items section, now you can see a button with all the essences of the spirits and
    know you'll just need one bottle to collect them. Also when you watch the details of the
    items in both sections, you'll see a button with the word "accio." This is only because it
    is under construction and it only closes the pop-up of the details.
  - Combat section added. There you can see the combat stats and change the positions of
     the spirits for the combats.
  - In the spirits section you'll see the spirits you have and if you click on them you'll see
    their main image, their stats and a button to heal them using one of their essences (we
    still have to add information and functionalities in this section).
· Added the images for the attacks of the spirit of wisdom and hunger, the image for the times Elana regenerates her stamina, magic or energy in combat and the icons for, the bards attacks, Loola's attacks and wisdom attacks (beside the icons, 8 images).
· Added 3 animations for the sex actions of villagers with villagers when you send the followers of Elana to influence other villagers. When you send a villager to influence another villager, it shows randomly the foreplay action or the sex action but in future we'll add the possibility to choose what action you want the villager to perform.
· Added 1 animation for a day event of the church.
· Added 1 animation for a day event of the academy.
· Added 7 images for day events of the academy.
· Added 1 image for a day event of the church.
· Added 2 images for day events of the market.
· Added 5 images for night events of the academy.
· Added 5 images for night events of the forest.
· Added 2 images for night events of the houses.
· Added 6 images for night events of the castle.
· Added 3 images for night events of the church.
· Added 6 images for night events of the farms.
· Added 2 images for night events of the market.
· Added 6 images for night events of the tavern.

Content summary:

· 55 images.
· 5 animations.


  1. В игре почему то видео "fall of stallos" что на ютубе 2.07 минуты очень медленно идёт, около 5 минут проходиться ждать пока оно закончиться. Ещё есть баг при бое с Адотом, при выборе духов, если попытаться поменять на других, то выйти обратно не получиться и придётся закрывать игру. (Но это не точно, так как я пользовался старыми сохранениями).

    1. Спасибо за сообщение!

      Видео было адаптировано к игровой системе и может быть подвержено замедлению. И в этом случае, и в Adot мы это докажем. (гугл переводчик)

  2. you can tell me how I find the two spirits; hunger and wisdom? I could not make them.

    1. Hunger: help the wolf brothers and wisdom help the mermaids

    2. Yes, also, if you helped the octopus people you can finish the mermaids to get wisdom and if you help red scar you can't get hunger helping the brothers (it's a choose path part).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. me encanta su juego por que no hay escenas gay ? no apoyan a la comunidad LGBT

  5. Nos alegramos de que te guste! Si a lo que te refieres es a escenas de hombre con hombre, hay un par de escenas que insinúan situaciones y si llegas a comprar la mejora de la taberna y consigues que la iglesia de Elana se aloje allí, puedes enviar a aldeanos a influenciar otros aldeanos, con lo que se pueden ver dos animaciones de hombres con hombres (una de las animaciones aún no está disponible en la versión pública).

    En cualquier caso, el juego, pese a que intentamos que pueda ser disfrutado por un público con diversidad de preferencias, está enfocado a un determinado público objetivo y no consideramos de ninguna manera que el contenido que ponemos o dejemos de poner tenga ninguna relación con apoyar o no a la comunidad LGTB (cosa que hacemos, pero la razón por la que no añadimos más contenido es por el volumen de trabajo que supondría y la posible perdida de interés por parte del público objetivo debido la ralentización de las entregas por la mayor carga de trabajo).

    1. Gracias los seguire apoyando son los mejores por cierto hay un error por el boton de la configuracion no deja ver una escena en la academia por el boton solucionarlo para cuando acaben el juego

    2. Gracias por reportarlo! Estará arreglado en la próxima versión.

  6. Hey,Knot! How i find the spirit of war? It's the only one that i don't pick up yet...

    1. Hi! This spirit will not appear in chapter 2.
