Friday, June 9, 2017

Elana, Champion of Lust. Chapter 1 for patrons / Chapter 2 Alpha 0.97 public release

Chapter 1 done!  

As said we'll make another release with the credits and small fixes if needed.
Chapter 1
· Added two events in the academy.
· Added 10 images and 1 animation in the academy.
· Added 1 image in the forest.
· Added 6 images in the houses.
· Added 7 images in the castle.
· Added 10 images in the church.
· Added 1 image in the farms.
· Added 3 images in the square (and some placed where they belong because a couple of them were misplaced.
· Added 9 images during night: 4 in the beach, 4 in the market and 1 in the square.
· Adjusted difficulty of Alphara and Omegara.
· Fixed bug in the castle door.
· Fixed bug with the sound which also fixes several possible bugs.
· Texts revised with functions of the minigames, pop-ups, combat...  Chapter 2 Alpha 0.97: Updates: 


  1. is it not possible to save game during private browsing? i saved my game on 2 different occasions only to come back and find my game gone

    1. No, if you're in private browsing, the saves won't last.

  2. I don't get where you can buy the amulette to find stuff to use in the night

  3. When will the full Chapter 1 be out for everyone else?

  4. I am collecting various essences and items, but I can't figure out how to actually craft items or spirits at the academy. Help! Also, great game so far guys, I'm loving chapter 1 and 2.

    1. Thanks! You need the ring from the archmage from his desk and then go to the laboratory.

  5. i am playing chapter 1 right now but i dont see the option to train rala

    1. This is on chapter two, after you have completed her events.

  6. It seems that very few of Elana's skilled interactions with the villagers are accompanied with sounds. Is that something you are aware of ??

  7. Also, you can't seem to complete the 'game' to get (steal ?) money. So you also cannot buy any items to trade with Rala (or use for some other purpose ?)

    1. Works fine for us but, since we have to rework it, we'll check what happens.

  8. when will alpha .97 for chapter 2 be on newgrounds?

    1. To not publish to much versions there, we'll wait until have the next version of chapter 2 (more or less end of July).

  9. I just thought of a major concern regarding free players, currently theres a lot of place holder and no images to the events, if we do them all now we wont be able to access them when the images have been added in, will there be a gallery like chapter one where you can see all the things you've unlocked? not the patreon version that shows you everything

    1. I'm afraid that since the game have a lot changes through the versions the load save will not be able to be used from 1 version to another (we'll make a check point or something in future don't make you play the game again and again). In future we'll add a way to unlock a gallery too.

  10. Well i have some probl over here i got chapter 1 runnin fine with latest Adobe but chp 2 doesnt work it just sends me to off site to get a new ver of Adobe which i already have.Pls halp
    Cool game BTW realy into it)

    1. This happens to us sometimes with google chrome, if you go to the top of the screen, you'll see a shield icon which says it's blocking the file and there you'll be able to stop it to make it work.

  11. Have the interactions with the Mage Area Lab and Cloning Device been coded completely ? My attempts to use them don't seem to yield any results.... Also, the same coding question applies for attempts to trade with, or give gifts to, Rala.....

    1. You need the ring from the archmage from his room, and then some components to use with the machines.

  12. Can we have all images for chapter 1 roots style only?

    1. Too much work only for Root because he also do the writing and the animation. Main work will still be made by him though.

  13. As a player of the chapter 1 app I'm curious about whether or not it has been updated since the completion of chapter 1,and if there will be a chapter 2 app

  14. Where do I find the link to download

    1. Hi! You'll find download links in chapter 1 and chapter 2 sections.
