Monday, August 1, 2016

Public release Alpha 2.6.6

This month we publish the public version a little before we release the patreon version because we are close to reach the "beta" for chapter 1 and will take a little more time.

Beside the updetes shown on this post, there is a new tutorial explaining the new mechanics:


  1. So the new update will take to next month or just a week or what cuz I am really excited to read the note for the new update and thank you for the public release.

    1. Hopefully in a couple of weeks.

    2. ummm how do i play the public releases? im not seeing any links or buttons....

  2. How can i save my game?

    1. There is a diskette icon (corner up-left) to save but if you play it on incognito mode or you remove the cookies from the browser after the save file will be deleted or not created.

  3. Is there a place where I can download the new build; I used to download it from LoK but since you moved it to Newgrounds, I don't know where to download it.

    1. Not right now, because it was too big to upload it there, but we'll find a new place eventually.

    2. Actually... added a dd link ^^

    3. Thank you very much for the link!

  4. somehow, for the very first time, I managed to get the mountain's influence from 1% to 6% but I've no idea how! what am I doing wrong?

    1. For a moment I freaked out because the mountains are not influenciable but then I thought it could be because of the acuatic suplies spell in the square XD

      The mouintain is not influenciable yet. Actually it will probably be a path to go to some areas of the elves but not yet, on chapter two.

    2. oh, well then I guess I found a bug instead. :P good to know!

  5. Mobile apk getting updated?

  6. That was nice of you guys to remember the public tier. A lot of groups kind of forget about them as sort of afterthoughts to the patreons.

    1. No problem, since the next patreon version will take a little more this month

  7. Played the public version, but the farm eventually freezes. You cannot select the characters to perform an Action or use Magic, the Story characters all have disappeared, and the arrow to go back to the city is also gone. This happened 3 times in a row. Just gave up after that. VERY frustrating !!

    1. Thanks for reporting it.

      It's a bug we've been fighting with for quite time but we still working on it!

      Here are some things that could fix it.
      ·Remove cookies and press the button "try to fix it in the begining menu". Could be because of a load error, or the error that causes the problem is still reproduced when you reload the game because of the temporary files or the failed save.
      ·Could be because of the browser. If you don't have the latest Adobe flash player version on your browser install it (usually works better on google chrome).
      Hope it help

    2. you guys are making an amazing game its been great since the alpha keep up the good work:)

    3. Here's a follow-up on the public version Farm issue.

      1) The loss of the Action "buttons" appears to happen AFTER you build up the Farm completion percentage to some degree.

      2)I used to be able to work around the issue by hitting the "Tab" Key. This would bring up square outlines of the Action "buttons" from the Farm and Main Screens. I would cycle through the various action outlines by pressing the "Tab" key and then hit the "Enter" key on one that would get me back to the main screen.

      3)Since public version 2.6, the "Tab" key no longer brings up those square outlines I would use to escape the glitch. But I was able get back to the Main Screen by right-clicking on the Farm screen and selecting "Forward" from the menu that came up.
      However, my Forest percentage dropped from 100% back down to 1% and all my coins were gone. My Farm completion percentage was retained.

      4)Since you need to complete the Forest percentage to lower the Alert level on the Farm (and I believe that this was the case each time I encountered the Farm issue), maybe that glitch has something to do with the Farm Alert (!) versus the Forest & Farm Completion levels.

      Hope that helps you with the troubleshooting !!

  8. Good game but way too many bugs! Freezes at the farm or the game making Firefox crash after a while. And saves don't seem to work either, just so frustrating.

    1. Thanks for reporting it.

      It's a bug we've been fighting with for quite time but we still working on it!

      Here are some things that could fix it.
      ·Remove cookies and press the button "try to fix it in the begining menu". Could be because of a load error, or the error that causes the problem is still reproduced when you reload the game because of the temporary files or the failed save.
      ·Could be because of the browser. If you don't have the latest Adobe flash player version on your browser install it (usually works better on google chrome).
      Hope it help

    2. Thanks, it seemed to work by updating flash, I thought I already had the latest version but apparently not.
      The game is getting better and better, keep up the good work!

  9. So when is the public android version getting an update?

    1. They said few weeks or a month ?

    2. hopefully we'll release a new android version during September

  10. Why are the training icons not showing up at all?

    1. LOVE the game by the way

    2. The trainings must be purchased now. Glad you like the game ^^

    3. In the patreon version?

    4. Now both versions are the same. Since last month we made the public release but we did not made a Patreon release because we wanted to put more work in it this time.

  11. ummm how do i play the public releases? im not seeing any links or buttons....

  12. Hey, i'm playing the newest version of the game and Loola's mini game isnt working, you can go into it but you cant move the circle

    1. Seems an error draged from another places and finally broke the game there.

      Here are some things that could fix it.
      ·Remove cookies and press the button "try to fix it in the begining menu". Could be because of a load error, or the error that causes the problem is still reproduced when you reload the game because of the temporary files or the failed save.
      ·Could be because of the browser. If you don't have the latest Adobe flash player version on your browser install it (usually works better on google chrome).
      Hope it help

  13. Hi guys, wonderful game, I jast cant get to the castle, is it posible to get in there in this version of game?

    thanks for reply.

    1. Thanks! And yes, you'll need an eel pie from Loola

  14. Hey, awesome game. I had it download of my phone from the MiKandi app. I was just wondering if you guys are going to do an update for that or what, because I got everything available to 100% and I don't know if something is supposed to happen or what, but nothing happened. Also, the only one seen that wasn't part of the abilities was with the assassin and I'm almost positive these more then that.

    1. Probably nothing more to do in that version but we are working right now on an updated one.
