Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Anyone know...

…any SFM animator/modeler who could be interested on make some characters of the game (no need to be very acurate. Using pieces from other models to try to reproduce some traits of the characters wolud be fine) and regularly work on short dirty loops with them?

This will be not for the game itself but to increase a little the world around it.

If you know someone who could be interested, please tell us, or if not, will be great too if you help us spread the word ^^



  1. be aware of a guy goes by the name s purple he ripped off another game maker

    1. Thanks for the warning. We heard somthing about the astonishing story. Everithing quite curious.

    2. Yeah. He ripped off the game Breeding Season all because things weren't going his way. And because of what he did, Breeding Season is no more. Gone with the wind.

    3. He didn't rip it off, if you read his post he said the project was never going to be finished even if they tried their best, do not assume he's the bad guy, maybe both can or maybe it is the studio's fault, we don't know yet, don't just take one side just because you read what they had to say first.

    4. While I wouldn't take one side, I would strongly encourage caution if either of them approaches the team. Both showed serious work and ethical problems in the process of their project breaking up. Both could overcome this, but honestly your project seems to be doing wonderfully, and I would prefer to not see it broken up by that disfunction.

  2. RockSolidSnake has some decent animations, type in quotes if you want to google him though. I can also post a link as well

  3. hey you might wanna check out some of these tumblr guys and write them a message, they all do quite alot of sfm work:

    1. Please man please don't put 3D animation in the game please keep the animation like loola and the twin bards if you put 3D I will die

    2. not for the game itself but to increase a little the world arround of it (anyway we are not being very luky finding someone ^^U)

  4. Did you try to contact Roninsong?

    1. Nope. Just checked it and it's a great animator. Does he/she do 3d animation?
