Friday, July 31, 2015

Alpha 0.9.9 for patrons / Public release Alpha 0.9.7

Well, this is starting to seem some kind a game or something :p We've made an experiment this month, trying to work like if we were working as a full time job on it to see what could we do (by the power of coffee and weekends). Not very healthy and we didn't achieve the 8 hours per day but we are happy with the results.
The plans for that month had changed a little. We wanted to add some singular character contet but we have decided to improve the gameplay a little instead of the story.

Alpha 0.9.9 for patrons

Upgrades: ·Some skip butons to other points of the intro. ·Options work now inside the game. ·New skill system (now the skills must be learned using xp points). ·Skills tree (new habilities will show while learning the previous ones). ·Some skills can be upgraded (for now just add more images or animations apearing ramdomly when using the skill. Does not improve what it does). ·A description of the skill will apear placing the mouse on the skill in the skill tree. ·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana and some images for the rumors skill. ·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana for loving touch skill. ·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana for surprise kiss skill. ·Added bad touch skill with an animation whit the plain villagers and Elana. ·When upgraded, the foreplay skill will show two more animations. ·Added magic wind skill. ·Added visions skill whit an animation of plain villagers and some images (same as rumors skill) ·Added spontaneus arousal skill with an animation of plain villagers and Elana. ·Minimum balancing between magic an phisic actons. Actions give more influence and magic give more xp (the final balance it will not be made until everything is on the table). ·When you enter an area auctomatically does an observing action. ·Added skip button for observing events. ·Added menus and mechanic sounds. ·Added blur option for backgrounds instead of darken. ·Added more events for the square, houses and farms (now every area except the castle, academy and the mountain has at least 12 events). ·Corrections on some text for events and actions. ·Added about 10 images for the observing events. ·Upgraded the balance between influence and what event shows when observin an area (again not definitive). ·Backgrownd for the houses and tabern added (and sketches for the rest of the areas). ·Added gallery for $10+ patrons. NOTES: ·Typing “back” on the kayborad brings you back to the city. ·The skill tree for level 1 it's not finished and also will be another tree for tasks and chores.


  1. Still no penetration sex scenes just the fingering for women and rubbing for men?

    1. The game will have somthing like 3 stages, now we are laying de groundwork for the first one.

  2. Awesome job like always guys Elana the beeeest!

  3. One of two games I can't wait to see more of.

  4. Although an interesting udea and the art is cool, I don't think this will ever become a proper "game" without rebuilding it totally from the ground up. Its just a large gallery requiring lots of clicking to get yhe next picture. More buttons to click abd improved balance between physical and magical actions won't change that.

    Don't be afraid to start tge game engine from scratch if yoy really want to make something different and interesting!

    1. I think there is still to much to put on the table to say that. Bad events now are just an image, to say somthing will go there, the main story will be told by the singular characters (not yet on the game), elana will have to learn everything she will do, study and train to improve her skills. Combat, jobs, side quests... We are making the bread but we are very far from the sandwich.

    2. I disagree, first you need to have art, writing and soundfiles, put them together somehow, once that is done and you start running out of ideas, it's time to think about polishing stuff like tampering with the game engine, ever heard of the say never change a running system, if the engine right now helps you add stuff properly, go for it, starting from scratch will only delay or deny progress.
      For example when I do english translations/write smut for Japanese games, and in the meantime there is newer versions, I can always implement the stuff I already translated into a possibly new engine later on, ya it's some work but that't what I call polish.
      I wanted to say if the system works for you right now keep working with it, ya there always is better ways, and maybe you will learn to use them, but your focus should never be on finding a better engine, it should be mainly on producing a game...
