Thursday, December 23, 2021

Happy Holidays!

 Hi everyone!

We'll call it a year! We'll take some days to rest and be back on January 3. As usual we'll still checking around for any doubts.

Happy Holidays and cheers for a better year to come!  Do you like our games and want to help us to make possible continue doing them? Please consider becoming one of our patrons. But you can helps us too without spending any money by liking and sharing our content! :D  

Friday, December 17, 2021

Pre-release artwork

 This week we've been working again on fixing bugs reported and the main polishing and completion of chapter 3 and on the art side, the art for the minigame Horny Police has been has been done as well as continuing finishing the images left of the academy.

Overall our plans are still the same. Before the end of January, be able to publish the first minigame and the finished version of Chapter 3 (with the window open to release versions to fix bugs or any problem that could appear).

Have a nice weekend!  

Do you like our games and want to help us to make possible continue doing them? Please consider becoming one of our patrons. But you can helps us too without spending any money by liking and sharing our content! :D 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Pre-release artwork.


Rala is putting her academic skills on use and soon some of her friends will join her. 

Have a nice day!
Do you like our games and want to help us to make possible continue doing them? Please consider becoming one of our patrons. But you can helps us too without spending any money by liking and sharing our content! :D

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Minigame winner, plans and some art!

Hi everyone!
Horny police is the first winner to become a minigame! As you can see, we've already worked a little on it, but to assort our time schedule, we are still fully focused on finish chapter 3. Good news is that we have already the main body of the art and in less time that we assigned to it  ^^  There is already a pack of animation loops available for our patrons.

About our plans our goal is, by mid/late January have completed the art of chapter 3 (about 80 images still left) and main polish of the game with a new beta release, have ready or already published the Horny police minigame and have written or at least have a half closed organization chart of the 6 months project Lust Bringer, Mentorship, to start right away with it once the art of chapter 3 is complete.

Have a nice day!
Do you like our games and want to help us to make possible continue doing them? Please consider becoming one of our patrons. But you can helps us too without spending any money by liking and sharing our content! :D

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Beta of chapter 3 for patrons and Alpha 3.0 public release!

 Beta is finally here! This one took a chunk of our sanity pool but we can proudly say that the story of Elana, Champion of Lust, is now fully playable.

In this version all functions meant to be in the game are included and, after it, only some images of the academy, some sounds, adjust the image quality for the different versions and some polish/balance is left to be fully completed ^^ Hope you'll enjoy it! Beta updates:
· Note: Even if now you have to go completing the worlds and purchasing the bridges to move forward, you can still use the button in the codes menu to skip Jane's world. · Added transitions to black to smooth the beginnings of the events. · Now when a character closes an event which should make Elana or Jane leave, the actions menu (bubbles) is not opened before it. · Added an skip button in the intro instead of "clicking on the screen to skip" to avoid skipping it by mistake. · Deleted the page to purchase new subjects for the academy (now the teachers learn to do the new subjects and some are unlocked during the development of the game). · Added a section with some info and group pictures of the groups of students in the teachers room. · Now Elana doesn't start with the phone and the map, she gets them in events after Dystopia. · Now the game does auto saves, and you can load the auto-saved file or your own saves. · Added icons (placeholders) in the combat that marks the counters of time from different effects over the avatars (damage boost, poison...). · Added possible phone answers for the students of Utopia and Kingdoms, when Elana calls Jane asking for the students. · Now you can (and you have to) purchase the bridges to reach new worlds in Jane's office and the bridges between worlds require another world close to it to be purchased. In the case of Kingdoms it requires two worlds close to it. Now this bridges are free but in the next version they will have a cost of Lust power. · Now the access to Dystopia appears through the love area of Jane's world. · Changed the tutorial for the academy to match the final functioning of the academy. · Now the teachers can level up their skill with the subjects to certain level. Each time they teach a lesson they will increase by 1 the lust power earned with that subject. · Each teacher can reach "level 3" with 3 subjects. At that point they will show an animation instead of an image when they teach that lesson. · Every teacher haves a level of stamina when you get it for the academy which means the amount of lessons they can teach every day. Every 12 lessons they teach, they earn another point of stamina. · The groups of students also level up their level on the subject, increasing by 1 the production of Lust power every time they do the lesson. · Every new world, group of students/teachers and every building haves a daily cost of Lust power (some of this was implemented in earlier versions). · Added the possibility to purchase a canteen for the academy, which will show some events with spirits and students and will increase by 5 the production of Lust power of every lesson. · Added the possibility to purchase a gym for the academy, which will show some events with spirits and students and will increase by 5 the production of Lust power of every lesson. · Added Jenara and Cliff as teachers. · Added Rala as a teacher. · Added Kaeryn as a teacher. · Added Richard and Aroliana as Teachers. · Added Utopia as a group of students. · Added Kingdoms as a group of students. The group should be named Moonstrucks but because of a bug it is Kingdoms until we'll fix it. · Added Night fort as a group of students. · Now the wandering enemies pile up when they reach the academy and every group steals 200 points of lust power every day until you defeat them. · Now Jane calls Elana to warn her every time an enemy reaches the academy (when they are wandering you can see them in the map with a place holder icon). · After completing Candy world, if you go to the academy, Jin will provide some magic jelly beans, unlocking the possibility for the teachers to learn some subjects. · Now, during the free time of the students, a lot of them will appear in the academy, some talking about stuff happening in the academy but some talking about the new student coming from the worlds completed (this are text events but there are dozens of them) · Added 13 chains of events with about 50 events, that will appear around the worlds completed. · Now completing a character in the worlds gives 100 points of Lust power (this feature was implemented before but, since we changed it during the development we leave it here as a note of how it works now) · Added the Last world with 5 new avatars and multiple ragdolls. It can be unlocked after completing Kingdoms. · Added a combat minigame for the Last world. · Added the ending after the Last world · Now Pride gives you the fast travel map when you enter the academy after completing Dystopia. · Now Ditty gives you the telephone after completing Dystopia. · Now Dity appears every 5 days asking for a Lust power toll (right now 2000 points of Lust power. · Increased the walking speed of the character. · Added some events in Jane's office. · Now, after completing the worlds, Jane will call Elana to comment about the situation. · Added about 36 sexy time animations, 9 for the Last world and 27 for the teachers when they reach level 3 in a subject (some of this 27 could have appeared in a previous version but not most of them. Every teacher haves 3). · Added about 35 "cinematic" animation loops for the events of the Last world. · Added about 100 images (About 27 for the chains of events around the worlds, 17 for Utopia lessons, 17 for Richard and Aroliana Lessons, 4 for Kaeryn lessons, 1 for Rala lessons, 1 for Jenara lesson, 18 for the canteen, 6 for the spirits of the gym (the images of students in the gym are still on the making), 5 for Jane's office and 8 for Last world) · Added sound for some animations of Kingdoms. · Fixed an aesthetic glitch at the exterior of the academy. · Fixed a bug which made difficult to click on the arrows when Elana was close to them. · Fixed a bug which made appear students without teacher in the classrooms as well as another showing a teacher when there was no lesson in the room. · Fixed a bug which made the Governess crash the game sometimes. · Fixed some bugs with the phone calls (here, specially with the random answers from Jane about the students, there is still a chance some bug could appear). · Fixed a bug which caused changes in the management panel of the lessons. · Now the combat stats and configuration is not maintained when you start a new game. · Gallery updated. Alpha 3.0 public release
To play the public release check the "Chapter 3" section of this blog. Here you can find the list of updates of the version:

Do you like our games and want to help us to make possible continue doing them? Please consider becoming one of our patrons. But you can helps us too without spending any money by liking and sharing our content! :D   

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Beta is almost here and firs minigame options!

 Hi everyone!

I'm really sorry to be saying this again but we are still working on the Beta. The good news are we are already in the testing phase but do a "quick run" to test everything at this point takes forever. Because of this we've been still testing and fixing things today and we'll doing the same tomorrow and we think we'll have it ready by Monday or Tuesday. We want to have all working as it should so after the release of the first Beta we'll only have to add details and images left, making possible to load through versions without any problem for using saves from a previous Beta version.

Meanwhile... Anything stops here! What you can see in the images is our first ideas for coming soon minigames (Games to release every month or every two months with about 30 to 120 min of gameplay). and in a minute we'll open a poll for influenced guards tier in and above in patreon to choose which one we'll develop first.

Every time we'll complete one we'll add at least 1 more idea for a minigame and open a new poll to choose the next one.

Here you can read a summary of what we have thought they could be:

· Horny Police, lust plague and the handjob ninja:
Kaeryn is a Desire City horny cop in suspension because she never followed the rules but, when the Lust plague came, Chief of Police Alf, had no other choice but ask for her help. After all... She was the best. An strange plague is in the city making men very horny at night but also unable to reach climax, which makes them wander by the street seeking for help like horny zombies. This is terrible for Desire City because they are very tired every morning, which makes them cranky and, frankly, very annoying.  

Kaeryn is the only Horny cop skilled enough to stop this with her mighty handjobs. In this game the player will have to help Kaeryn to relieve as many horny man night by night, obtaining more experience and improving her skills and performance to, perhaps, at some point, be able to stop the lust plague.   

· Texting Mia:  
The player has been dating Mia for while but is still getting to know her. She is kinda weird but fun and things are going really well. This morning he has left her place to go to work but  after not much time he receives a message from her and it seems she has waken up playful today.  
The whole game would be a texting conversation (because it seems young people don't do phone calls anymore this days). Mia will text the player and send pictures and the player will answer choosing options in a some kind of "choose your own adventure" game with multiple ways to spend the day for both of them.   

Magic sorority:  
The Magic sorority, one of the most troublesome houses in the campus, has been asking for a repairman for a while. Finally but reluctantly, the management has sent an apprentice to see what needs to be fixed.  The repairs appear to be easy at first but the apprentice will discover soon enough that  some of the students are looking for a little bit more than repairs in the Magic sorority.  
This game will be a small point and click/chose dialogue game that will decide the fate of the poor unaware apprentice in the Magic sorority.

What do you think about this ideas? Comments and suggestions for this or for future ideas will be very welcome!
See you soon in Beta and have a nice weekend!
Do you like our games and want to help us to make possible continue doing them? Please consider becoming one of our patrons. But you can helps us too without spending any money by liking and sharing our content! :D   

Friday, November 5, 2021

Pre-release artwork

 Hi everyone!

Here is some art we are doing to complete the game.

There is about 25-30 more images that we consider necessary to be included in the beta which we think there is a chance we'll be able to do during next week. Event so, if we see we are going in a hurry to publish, we'll not hesitate to change it to next week to have it right. After it there will still be a quite some images left for the academy but the game will mostly be complete and we'll add them while starting new projects.

Have a nice weekend!  

Friday, October 29, 2021

All animations completed


Hi, everyone!

Here you can see a preview of the last 9 animations for chapter 3, eight of them highly censored to avoid spoilers.

We have already started with the art left and Beta is around the corner! Have a nice weekend!     

Friday, October 15, 2021


 The text on the gif could not be related to what will happen in the game, there is a chance that is something random.

Hi everyone!

We are still stuck with this cinematic animations but we are close to finish them- In fact, this weekend we'll still be working on them and it should be done by Monday which means... Back to sexy time stuff!

Have a nice weekend!    

Friday, October 8, 2021

Glimpse of final world "cinematic" clips and animation poll winners

Hi, everyone!

Here is an image made of some of the clips that will be part of the final world events (we hope and think, this image is confusing enough to not reveal anything important). Beside the sexy time animations planned, we have finally decided to do about 35 of this small animated clips (there are two big events with clips and some will be part of a minigame).  Right now from those 35 all have their sketch, about half of them are fully drawn and 5 are already animated.

We think all clips should be ready during next week and we'll probably have time to begin with the sexy time animations.

Speaking of sexy time animations... Here are also the options winners form the animation poll!

Have a nice weekend!   

Friday, October 1, 2021

To do list and sketches for the animation poll for influenced guards and above tiers.

 Hi, everyone!

We just opened a poll to chose the positions and points of views for the animations for the last world and its minigame for influenced guards and above tiers.

This time, as you can see and to avoid spoilers, the characters in the sketches are "generic" not showing which characters they will be.  Even so and with proper warnings, we'll publish the gif images for the corresponding tiers.

Since we are reaching a point where the spoilers of the ending its becoming a serious thing, we'll be posting and updating our art "to do list" so you'll be able to keep track of our progress. We'll not be doing it with the programming part mainly because, it is difficult to us to present it as a list, and because it should be done before art list is completed.

Even so we'll still publish things that we think don't tell too much as we'll as some others with proper spoiler alerts.

The priority of the work in the following list has been established thinking about that the next version will be played as the game is meant to be (if you don't have the debug codes), purchasing worlds with requirements, having troubles with the destruction spawns attacking the academy and having to pay taxes to Ditty every once in a while. Since play through it will require some time, we are prioritising the parts that will offer the full experience of the story.  


- Necessary to publish Beta version__________________________________________

· Last world backgrounds. (done)
· Last world avatars (done)
· Last world and minigame ragdolls (done)
· Sexy time animations for last world and minigame (0/9)
· Animations for "cinematics" for the last world, minigame and ending (on the making 2/?)(since some of this can take an hour to do and some can take a whole day, we are still not sure which amount of them we'll include. Since this events will jump from avatars dialogues to animations we could decide to do more or less depending on the time is taking us to do it. In future updates of this to do list we'll be more precise).
·Last world art for events (0/8)

(beside the ones listed below, there we'll be a lot of new dialogue events included for the academy and the phone)

· "The cult" chain of events images (0/1)
· "The date" chain of events images (0/2)
· "Lost student" chain of events images (0/1)
· "The entity" chain of events images (0/3)
· "Worlds exploration" chain of events images (0/3)
· "Catch game" chain of events images (0/2)
· "Dissatisfaction" chain of events images (0/1)
· "Servant's festival" chain of events images (0/2)
· "Field to run" chain of events images (0/2)
· "The lord of the fairies" chain of events images (0/3)
· "Spawn hunters" chain of events images (0/3)
· "Suggestion" chain of events images (0/2)
· "The lone guardian" chain of events images (0/1)
- Desirably included in the first beta version but we could decide to leave it for later versions________________________________________________________________________

· Gym events art (0/12)
· Various spirits events art (0/12)
· Jane's office events art (0/7)
· Rala's lessons lvl 0 art (2/17)
· Kaeryn's lessons lvl 0 art (4/17)
· Jenara's lessons lvel 0 art (2/17)
· Moonstruck's class lessons art (0/17)
· Nightfort class lessons art (0/17)
· Camp class lessons art (0/17)

· Ditty events (0/2)

- Planned images that will be probably not be doing for the final version___________________________________________


· Lessons lvl 2 art (0/45)
(Every teacher will be able to level up each lesson to level 1, five to level 2 and three to level 3. All in level 3 will unlock an animation for the lesson and all of them are already done, but we also wanted to add a second image for level two lesson which we'll probably have to cut the fasten the closing of the game).

There is still decent amount of work to do but we are even working some extra hours to finish it as soon as we can. Believe us when we say that there is no one more interested on finishing this project than us since, try to revitalise Knot Games with fresh projects it has become a necessity for several months now but, after all this time and, with all the amazing support we have received, we can't do less than finish it the best we'll can.

We'll be updating the list soon, probably with a prettier image :p

Have a nice weekend!  

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 Elana: Look, Spirit! A shooting star!

Spirit: ...

Spirit: I'm going to assume you don't know what a shooting star is...

Thursday, September 23, 2021

The elves, some pre-release artwork and an awesome fan-art


Finally the elves! Elana doesn't talk much about it but she had a pending conversation with this two that could not happen because of... Cosmic stuff... And she is really eager to have it.   

Here is also some pre-release artwork for the Utopia class and the awesome fan art by SynergicVortex

Have a nice day!     

Friday, September 17, 2021


We have the winner of the next game main character! Nere will be the promising Lust bringer student that will need to be mentored to reach her full potential in the temple of love. At least the first promising student. As mentioned if we see the game is something people likes, we are open to add more students to choose. 

Also we can proudly announce that Elana, Champion of Lust saga is finally fully written. It could seem not much of a deal but for us this is like finally being able to release a breath we've been holding for a couple of years :D Last world will require some work because we have planned quite some animations for there and it will have at least two events with some sort of "cinematics" but we think it will be totally worth it. Now we just have to finish the art and put last things in place!

Here is also some pre-release artwork and next weeks we'll be fully focused on more artwork.

Have a nice weekend!    

Monday, September 6, 2021

We are back to work and ready to start talking about future projects!

 Hi everyone! We had our two weeks vacation and now our powers have been fully restored! We are working again and ready to finish chapter 3 as soon as possible!

We also want to present our next project, the first mid term project we want to do (with an estimated development time of 6-9 months, that should also allow us to publish small projects every 1-2 months) and the its possible main character.

The name of the game will be Lust Bringers, mentorship, a game where a retired Lust bringer (a priest/priestess from the Temple of Love) will have to train an aspiring Lust Bringer candidate who is very promising but, because of its behaviour or personality traits, has not been able to join the regular training at the Temple of Love.  

The game will start with the high priestess of the Temple of Love (one of the most important institutions of the city), bringing an aspirant to the door of a man, a retired Lust Bringer who is married to another retired Lust Bringer. The high priestess will ask the man to mentor the aspirant because she really wants to become a Lust Bringer and has a lot of potential. At first he will refuse because he is  happy with his new life but, after some negotiation, and the intervention of his wife, they will accept the aspirant in their home to train her and help her to achieve her dream to become a Lust Bringer of the Temple of Love.

Our idea is to start with just one character to train but if we see during the development that this is something people likes, we are open to do more "mid term projects"  to add more aspiring Lust Bringers to train, as well as male aspirants for the wife to train. Also, in this projects, we would like to do every scene and training animated, at least most of it.

What you see in the image is the possible concepts of aspirants to Lust bringer we have thought during last week  and our patrons in the influenced guard tiers and above can vote which one will be the main character of the game until September 16.
See you soon with our regular weekly posts and have a nice day!    

Friday, August 20, 2021



Hi everyone!

We are going to take a couple of weeks of rest to fill batteries  and face beta of chapter 3 refreshed and at full power! We'll be back on September 6, ready to complete this stage in Knot Games and eager to start and show what will come next!

As you can see the inhabitants of the island have managed to take some rest from the academy too, even if, apparently, they are not going to change much their activities.

We have finally decided to not publish a small version with just some art and adjustments to use every extra time we have to move forward the development to beta stage.

We said it before but we don't say it enough, thank you, specially thank you to our patrons. Thank you, for make this project possible, thank you for giving us the resources and the strength we needed to complete it, even when we've made the mistake to make it too ambitious for our small team. Thank you for everything. We'll use all we have learned with your help to keep delivering projects but faster and trying to do them more enjoyable every day.

As always, we'll still be checking around here to answer any doubt and try to help with any problem you could have.

Have a nice day!   

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Animations previews and a loop, for some reason

Ten new animations are ready to be included in the academy and available in early access for patrons in influenced mage/noble tiers and above!

Have a nice day!  

Friday, August 13, 2021

Ten more animations coming soon and our near work plans

As you've seen we've been not posting much this week but because in the matter of art we've tried to have the ten new animations done this week. Sadly they are not ready yet but they will be on Monday or Tuesday. Also we'll get up to date with lunch sketches and making of posts then.

To say sorry for the lack of art this week, here is too a before and after image of Aly and Lily showing their evolution through the three chapters.

We also want to give you a heads up that at the end of next week we are going to take a needed two week vacation to fill our battery and face the ending of chapter 3 at full power.

It could be that we'll publish a new version by then but since it would be only adding more art, and small adjustments (many but still small), and the texts of the secondary events we are preparing are still being translated, it is quite probable that we'll decide to wait and go directly for the beta, with the game already including the final world and all their functionalities in place and working as intended in the final version. We are so close that perhaps it is better to focus on complete Chapter 3 instead of spending time preparing and testing an in between version... Then again we'll see how it goes next week.

As always during this vacations, we'll still be around for any problem and doubt you could have. Perhaps we'll even prepare some presentations of future projects to come and a poll or two to start to specify them with our patrons help ^^

Have a nice weekend!