Friday, November 29, 2019

Business dinner (event of the week)

A group of nobles are meeting to eat and catch up with their businesses.

Soon, spurred by a couple of glasses of wine, all of them start to speak cheerfully, smugly boasting of their finances and their agreements.

One of them doesn't seem very interested in the conversation. His mind seems to be elsewhere while stirring the contents of his plate with disinterest.

Suddenly something rubs him below the table and he abruptly jumps out of his reverie, pounding the table with his knees. The rest of the diners become surprised with the exception of the woman sitting in front of him that shrugs and giggles.

"Already with drunken hiccuping? Heh!, these young merchants, They surely love wine! HAHAHAHA!" Says a nobleman with big mustache, sitting next to the man who just jumped, as he hits his back with the palm of his hand.
"The way to fix that is by drinking a little more," adds filling his glass. "Where were we ... Oh yes! Taxes" And so all return to dive into the conversation.

All but the man who has been rubbed. He, somehow confused, scrutinizes the woman who's sitting in front. She speaks and laughs, seemingly oblivious to him, but the man looks down and realises that the reality is quite different.

The woman is barefoot, crossing her leg under the table to reach the man's crotch, playing with her foot. In the blink of an eye, the man's cock hardens by the pressure and grip of her silk covered little toes.

The woman is still talking with the others, as if her brazen leg was not her business, sometimes when she switches her interlocutor and her gaze slides over the man, this, for a moment, can see how the woman's face changes into a wolfish leer.

In front of the stiffness of the man's penis, her foot changes its movements, and switches from kneading and stroking, to press hard and rub rhythmically.

The man, clearly nervous and afraid of being discovered, gives her a begging gaze to the woman that now draws her attention completely on him. In response the woman chuckles and squints, increasing tin both pressure and speed.

The man stifles a groan unconsciously hitting the table with his hand. He doesn't care anymore about the dinner and businesses, he just don't care anymore about the other diners.

The foot moves faster and faster each time tightening the penis against his belly. The woman slightly bounces due to her jerky movements, shaking her breasts and opening her mouth to gasp, clearly excited.

The man can't stand it anymore and rests on the back of his chair releasing himself to the pleasure, ready to explode.

"Rao... Rao... The hell Rao! I'm talking to you. Hahahaha! I think I was wrong! No more wine for the boy! Hahaha! "Says the noble with mustache while removing the young's cup. "As I was saying ... Could you have a shipment ready for the next week? ¿Uhm ...? "

The moustache man looks down and spots the foot of the noblewoman fiddling with the sperm that comes from the fabric of Rao's pants. "Lina, dammit! Do you want to stop distracting Rao? We're doing business!"

The woman takes her foot off and drinks a sip of her drink as she puts her eyes in response. By leaving the glass she licks her lips and winks at Rao, just before going back to the conversation.


Alpha 1.4 of Chapter 3 for patrons and Alpha 1.0 public release

First of the two announced releases! This one with the ending of the first world and more technical fixes. It took us quite time because we struggled with the browser version and the save feature but as mentioned, in a couple of weeks we'll release a version with the full Dystopia world (counting the content added in this release, more or less two more hours of gameplay) and from now on we think we'll release way more often ^^
Alpha 1.4 for patrons updates: 
· WARNING: The music starts very loud and you have to adjust it in the options.
· Added save game feature (One single slot available for now)
· Options menu added in the game (there is some adjustments needed)
· Added a bar with the influence/progress of the world. It gets filled every time you “complete” a character.
· Added bars for the influence of the characters. Every time you influence a character, his/her bar will fill a little.
· Added reaction markers. Now when you perform an action on a characters, and the character gets influenced by it, he/she will appear naked and aroused (showing their true feelings). It doesn't work (yet) with “double” characters like Lashy and Lodred, and the animation of this feature will be better and smoother in future. Also there are reaction markers ready for the bad reactions of the characters but are not implemented yet.
· Added area transition fade effect.
· Added the final event of the first world with about 20 images, one animation and a tutorial.
· Added and implemented the animations of Elana walking.
· Added the areas of the academy with 5 backgrounds.
· Added 5 avatars for characters with their facial expressions.
· Added the first lessons of the academy (right now it's just an image slideshow and it repeats every time you enter the classrooms but in future it only will happen the first time and after it the lessons will appear according to the time of the game and as the way you managed them).
· Now after the final events of the first world, a path it's opened to the dystopia world in the wrath area..
· The first time you walk to the dystopia world an event will appear.
· Added the dystopia world empty with 5 backgrounds. Alpha 1.0 public release updates:

We also published a resume video of chapter 1 and 2 for those who want to jump directly to chapter 3 but still want to follow the story of the game. Here you'll find versions in English and Spanish and censored and uncensored: 

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Nemea and Flint (pre release artwork)

"Nemea: Health minister! Thank gods you are here! You can't imagine how much I need your skillful hands right now..." 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

President Tina playing, extra animation (already available for 10$+)

New exclusive animation available in early access for 10$+ patrons (3 loops. Eventually will go into the game).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dystopia characters

Avatars, facial expressions, variations and backgrounds ready. Now time for the event images and animations ^^

Have a nice day! 

Monday, November 11, 2019

President Tina

The environment of chapter 3 is highly affecting the minds and the surroundings of the villagers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rala anal, exclusive animation preview

New exclusive animation available in early access for 10$+ patrons (5 loops. Eventually will go into the game but not soon).